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One is never too young to learn about history! This series will introduce new friends ages 3-5 to the wonderful world of historic houses and museums. Each week, little historians can bring their caregivers to explore our historic property, listen to a story, and learn about what goes on inside a museum.

How old is your house? In the first program of our series, we’ll take a look at our 260 year old house and explore how historians take care of something very old. Enjoy a reading of The Little House by Virginia Lee Burton and point out the differences between your house and ours. $5 per child, includes coloring sheet. Free for caregivers. Option to purchase a $5 add-on take-home craft kit, or $15 for craft kit and a copy of The Little House. Registration required at phelps.hatheway@ctlandmarks.org or (860) 668-0055.

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