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Walk through the 1st floor of the Palmer-Warner House to learn about the research and collections work being done within the house. (Masks are required in the house.) Visitors are also welcome to explore the historic grounds, or just enjoy the view from the back porch. Visit the Barn and speak with a member of the Nation Parks Service Rivers, Trails and Conservation Assistance Program to learn more about the Lower Connecticut River Heritage Loop Project as part of the East Haddam Connectivity Corridor. Cyclists are welcome and secure bike storage will be provided. The house, constructed in 1738, was home to the Warner family who resided there for over a century. In addition to the rich colonial history, the house offers a contemporary story as home to preservation architect Frederic Palmer and his partner Howard Metzger from 1945 – 1971.

Update 9/30/22 – the Swing Bridge will be closed due to the impending weather. Please seek alternate routes.

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